From $280
You need to include a Business Schedule in your Individual Tax Return if you are operating a business as a Sole Trader with an ABN.
For tradies, small businesses, contractors, NDIS Care Providers, consultants and so on.
Contact us through the Enquiries link above, send an email to or call our 1300 number. If you click on the 1300 number you will find information on how to set up a free WhatsApp voice call.
You will need to advise your business details and your business Sales and Expenses for the year being lodged, including details of any capital equipment purchased such as machinery or motor vehicles.
We will prepare the return and advise on allowable deductions and any small business concessions that may be available such as instant asset write off provisions.
You can advise income and expenses by email, Word Doc or Spreadsheet. Or if you use business bookkeeping software such as Xero or QBO then send us reports from the software or just add us as an advisor and we can log in and generate the reports we require. Contact us to enquire. We are registered Xero consultants and are also familiar with most other bookkeeping software.
We also prepare tax returns for other business entities such as:
Trusts (eg Discretionary Trading Trusts)
These entity fees are usually higher than the base fee for Sole Traders.